What is PicFo?

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PicFo is a patented, FREE and revolutionary way to share your pictures while learning more about the person behind the picture...you! PicFo was created so that you can easily display your relationship status and interests on any image and upload them to any network.

FACT: Let's face it, your pictures are seen by hundreds to thousands of people everyday. Our profile picture is a valuable asset in all things SOCIAL MEDIA, so it's time to put your pictures to work for you. PicFo is the one and only Photosharing app that allows you to express more about who you are...instantly. PicFo allows you to make a deeper connection with your images; either social, business or romantic. You can use PicFo on any image in many creative ways for different reasons.

PicFo brands YOU by allowing you to...

Promote your business
Bring awareness to a cause
Represent your country
Show off your talents and skills
Spark romantic connections based on interests not just on looks alone
Support your sports team
Upload your own badges, making the possibilities endless


How many times have you seen profile pictures or random pictures on social media and think, "Wow great picture, wonder where they are from? What Firm are they with? Are they married? Do they have kids? Do they smoke? What school do they go to? Do they play Call of Duty?" Well...wonder no more!

Simply choose from 5 Color Coded status frames and hundreds of symbols to create your PicFo frame. Once your PicFo frame is set, upload that image to any networking site...and your done. Your picture is now REALLY worth a thousand words!

Basically, what tattoos do for people PicFo does for pictures. So whether you are posting a random picture or your "Profile Pic", using PicFo makes it the only fun and easy way to express who you are at-a-glance. Try it...it's FUN, and it's FREE!

Be more than just a face...with PicFo.

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